While we design a program that is specific to each client we also have a set of services that are designed to fit with problems you face or changes you want to achieve.
Foresight based strategy and planning
Do your staff groan when you say it is time to do the strategic plan? We have a robust and engaging alternative to standard strategic planning.
Scenario Planning
Confused about all the future possibilities in front of you? Then understanding possible future landscapes with scenario planning might be the solution you are looking for.
Red Teaming with Foresight
Do you want to test whether your strategy or project is as robust as you can make it? Would you like to understand how to create an internal process of challenge or bring in a group of our expert outsiders to challenge and stress test your plans?
Keynotes and presentations
Do you need a speaker to give a different perspective and really challenge the audience so they can think differently about the future and what their strategy should be?
Wardley Map Coaching and Advanced Scenario Planning
If you want to embed a greater capacity for strategic awareness and thinking about the future into your organisation then our coaching and training program for Wardley Mapping (Value Chain Mapping) and Adanced Scenario Planning is for you.