Strategic Challenge Session

Do your board meetings or executive team retreats focus too much on compliance and month to month performance and not enough on strategic thinking?

Many boards and executive teams concentrate quite rightly on setting targets and measuring achievement and compliance. However many directors and managers we talk to complain that they do not do enough strategic thinking and do not get many different perspectives. If this applies to you then what you need is one of our six-monthly strategic challenge sessions for boards or executive leadership teams.

Our Strategic Challenge Sessions address these problems by:

  1. Securing a time that is solely for strategic thinking.
  2. Providing a presentation from one of our foresight consultants based on our scanning, research and experience that will challenge the way you think about your future.
  3. If required providing further outside perspectives by drawing on our network of “remarkable people” to challenge your preconceived ideas and thinking.
  4. Challenging your assumptions and blind spots in a way that only an outside person can.


Costs for our strategic challenge sessions will vary depending on our approach.

Costs for a strategic challenge session begin at $4,650 plus GST for a half day session which includes preparing and supplying a base level presentation on future challenges and possibilities for your industry or government sector as well as facilitating the process.