Paul presented to the Great Southern Investment Conference in Albany, WA, on future issues for regional development

The key points were:

  • Electrification of transport is accelerating far faster than people expected with massive over supply of battery production resulting in falling prices. Regions need to be ready for more tourists that require electric vehicle infrastructure a lot faster than they expected.
  • Climate change may produce opportunities in agriculture if the region takes a strategic look at what they produce, who they compete with internationally and what the effects of climate change are likely to be on the Great Southern and their competitors
  • More and more people are being influenced by progressive issues such as climate change responses, general environmental responsibility and animal welfare when it comes to looking for jobs. The regions will have to be very active in these areas to continue to attract the skilled labour required to support modern industries.
  • Agriculture is becoming more platform and technologically driven. This means that much more information will be collected and be available to the supply chain about what is happening on farm. This will be crucial when thinking about how to communicate with the consumer and the story the region is telling about the products it produces. Agriculture will also need to attract the workforce to operate these systems. Refer to previous points.
  • The political and regulatory framework in which the regional businesses operate is likely to become more progressive on issues of the environment, and general sustainability. Businesses need more contact with a wider range of political operators and need to adjust to this reality.
You can view the presentation at: The Future for Regional Development

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