Paul presented to three CEO Institute Syndicates on Foresight for Practical Strategy

The main points were:

For a top down strategy:

  1. Build multiple pictures of what the future might look like, including ones that look unlikely.
  2. If your strategy in most or all of those future pictures is the same then implement your strategy.
  3. If your strategy would be different in different futures then ask the following questions:
  • If this future came true what would I do?
  • If this future came true when would I do it?
  • If this future came true how would I know when when is?

Then extract the signposts of change that will help you understand what futures might be emerging.

Create a structured review process for both what might be emerging and your strategy and put that into formal reporting and meeting structures.

Also consider organisational design structures that allow thinking about the future to be done at the edges of your organisation and strategy to emerge rather than be directed – e.g. The Haier Model

Only spend as much time on foresight as is practical. Too much and you are ignoring execution. Too little and you might be blindsided by a future you have not thought about.

You can view the presentation by going to:

Foresight for Practical Strategy